Shaving Cream Dyed Easter Eggs

You know those holiday moms who are super into all the things? You know, the ones who have evidence of tiny leprechauns peeing in their toilets and the Elf on the Shelf doesn’t just come for Christmas, but for ALL the holidays and birthdays? Crafts galore, tubs full of decorations. From New Years to Columbus Day, there’s always a reason to celebrate.

Kudos to y’all.

I’m not that mom.

I had dreams of being that mom. Turns out that just stresses me out and leprechauns are a whole lot less fun if the leprechaun also makes them cry. We have fun in other ways–last night, we got home later than expected and had a late-night French fry date and talked and laughed.

We were eating fries (on the couch!) at 11:00 pm, but that was my kind of fun momming. Hopefully my children won’t wind up being delinquents.

When I saw the whole shaving cream Easter Eggs things that’s popped up, I was like, “That is my kind of Easter egg dying!” No cups of dyed vinegar, begging to be spilled. No fighting over who gets to put their egg in the teal cup. No egg wobbling precariously on the metal hook before splashing into said dyed vinegar. No swear words. No tears. You know, the hallmarks of my “fun holiday activities.”

Turns out my kids loved it, too. They didn’t miss the vinegar smell, but they did love the smell and texture and thought it was pretty awesome when the food coloring swirled into the shaving cream. Side note–this WILL discolor hands, so keep that in mind. The food coloring was gone by the next day, but judging by the amount of outrage this post received due to hand discoloration, I thought I’d give you guys fair warning.

You’re going to need some food coloring, shaving cream (just cheap, regular shaving cream; also, be sure not to get shaving gel; it is not adequately fluffy. Also, you can totally use thawed Cool Whip if you’re worried about shaving cream getting into your eggs–they’re porous, so chances are good they’ll taste a little soapy), hard boiled eggs (while I actually really prefer doing them in my Instant Pot, you may want to go the old-fashioned route here–the extra water that seeps into the shell that makes them kind of difficult to peel also gives them more stability).

Spray some shaving cream into the bottom of a glass or ceramic baking dish (it will discolor metal dishes)

and add some coordinating drops of food coloring. You can see I’m doing two “sets” of colors in each dish.

Use a bamboo skewer or butter knife to swirl the colors into the shaving cream.

(Also, how perfect are these Fiestaware pie plates?? I’ve had the turquoise dish for a few years now, but I recently got the lemongrass plate and it makes me all kinds of happy!)

Place some hard boiled eggs in the dyed shaving cream…

and roll them around so they’re completely coated (make sure the food coloring is making actual contact with the egg.)

Remove the eggs and place them on a plate and allow them to stand for awhile–15-20 minutes seemed to be a good timeframe for us. Also, we discovered that the yellows and greens didn’t show up as well; go for the darker, vibrant varieties, and you may even want to consider using the heavy-duty concentrated gels, which you can find at places like Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, and many kitchen supply stores.

Wipe off the shaving cream with a paper towel and voilá! Beautiful swirly eggs!

We hope you have a wonderful, fun, safe Easter weekend! If you’re still looking for menu ideas, check out this post!

P.S., have you guys seen this video floating around social media?

…right? I sort of feel like this is why we started this blog all of those years ago, that has always been our goal. We’ve always believed family meals don’t need to be a big “to-do,” and dinner time, or delicious treats, or fun memories in the kitchen can be a LOT easier to pull off than you think. We want to help!

So we’re starting a little…revolution. If you will. A revolution to spend time around the table — together.
We are working on launching something really, REALLY cool. Nothing like anything else we’ve done before, at all. We’ve been quietly working away on it for a few months now, and it’s almost ready! So many of you have been asking us to do this for years, and it’s finally happening.

Want to be the first to know? We are starting a little wait list where we’ll be sharing the big news first, but it will also include great tips for hectic family meal times, conversation staters, and tons of other cool things every once in a while. You can sign up here!

Get excited — it’s all coming really soon!

woman in denim shirt holding a salad bowl
Meet The Author

Sara Wells

Sara Wells co-founded Our Best Bites in 2008. She is the author of three Bestselling Cook Books, Best Bites: 150 Family Favorite Recipes, Savoring the Seasons with Our Best Bites, and 400 Calories or Less from Our Best Bites. Sara’s work has been featured in many local and national news outlets and publications such as Parenting Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, Fine Cooking, The Rachel Ray Show and the New York Times.

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Questions & Reviews

  1. Loved this! We used the extra creamy whipped cream so we could lick our fingers and also have eggs that we could eat. The eggs looked amazing when finished.

  2. My son might have a problem with dyed hands, but I’m not so concerned, lol. Eventually they’ll wash. I think we’ll try dying the eggs this way tonight. Also, I asked my 8 year old son who he would like to have dinner with, and he answered with Carson Palmer – I guess he eats with my husband and me enough.

  3. Literally just five minutes before reading this I was having a conversation in my head about whether or not my kids are going to feel like they missed out, because I am not much of a holiday mom either. I’m just going to assume they’ll be fine, that they’ll think leprechauns using the toilets is just weird, and that they’ll think we’re awesome parents for taking them to Disney a lot. Right?

    These eggs look like fun, and I’m guessing if the dyed hands are an issue you could have the kids wear food-prep gloves (I buy a big box since I’ve decided it’s way easier for me to stomach dealing with poultry with gloves on).