Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles

What is it about girls and cookie dough? When my husband buys ice cream, he gets complicated ice cream, stuff with coconut or peanut butter swirls or mixed up stuff that goes on a banana split. I’m a simple girl. When I buy ice cream, I pretty much always come home with cookies and cream or cookie dough.

And I don’t think I’m alone.

Off the top of my head, I think I can name 5 girl friends who have talked about wanting/needing/eating chocolate chip cookie dough in the last month. I can also think of exactly 0 guy friends who have publicly wanted/needed/ate chocolate chip cookie dough in the last month.

We ladies love our cookie dough.

But you guys also know I have egg issues (and especially uncooked egg issues). You know how it’s super cool right now to raise chickens? Yeah, I will never be that cool. There is no way in HECK that I am ever raising my own chickens or eating their eggs, not because it isn’t a cool/green/tasty thing to do, but because of reasons I can’t even talk about without getting the heebie jeebies in my fingertips. So yeah, when I’m faced with a bowl full of chocolate chip cookie dough, I’m so torn between my base instincts to lick the beaters and to sterilize the evil egg germs from my fingers and my kitchen.

Enter: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles. Wait…Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles. Everything is right in my world again.

You’ll need brown sugar, butter, vanilla, flour, sweetened condensed milk, and mini chocolate chips.

In a large bowl or the bowl of your stand mixer, combine the butter and brown sugar.

Cream together the butter and brown sugar until combined. Add the vanilla and mix until combined. Alternately add the sweetened condensed milk and the flour and mix until combined. Add the chocolate chips.

Chill the dough for 1 hour.

Also. You know how we’re always telling you to lightly spoon the flour into the measuring cups? Yeah, you’re excused from that this time around. Just scoop it. Don’t go and pack it in there or anything, but this recipe needs a little extra flour, so live on the edge. Things are getting wild at Our Best Bites.

Using a 1 1/2 teaspoon cookie scoop, scoop the dough and then roll each portion into a ball and place on a lined cookie sheet. Resist the temptation to use a larger cookie scoop–this are little delicious nuggets of richness and the truffles made from the larger cookie scoop are just too much.

Place the cookie sheet in the freezer and freeze for 1 hour.

In a medium microwave-safe bowl, combine 2 12-ounce bags of chocolate and 1/4 cup coconut oil (you can also use another vegetable oil, but coconut oil will firm up faster).

Heat for 30 seconds at a time, stirring after each 30 seconds, until the mixture is smooth. Dip the frozen cookie dough balls in the chocolate.

You’ll have to kind of figure out what works for you. I stuck mine with a toothpick and dipped/twirled and then used a small rubber spatula to drizzle the chocolate where I couldn’t dip it. I also dropped the cookie dough in there and moved it around with the spatula and then stuck it with the toothpick to pull it out and shake off the excess chocolate. The good/bad news is that you have well over 100 truffles to practice on, so if one method doesn’t work, you’ve got plenty of opportunities to figure out which one will…

If desired, drizzle leftover chocolate over the truffles. And by “if desired,” I mean, “When you feel sad and mad that your truffles aren’t perfectly pretty.” Because a little drizzled chocolate goes a long way to cover up the ugly spots.

These are best served cold. And, like I said, this recipe makes a LOT.

woman in denim shirt holding a salad bowl
Meet The Author

Sara Wells

Sara Wells co-founded Our Best Bites in 2008. She is the author of three Bestselling Cook Books, Best Bites: 150 Family Favorite Recipes, Savoring the Seasons with Our Best Bites, and 400 Calories or Less from Our Best Bites. Sara’s work has been featured in many local and national news outlets and publications such as Parenting Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, Fine Cooking, The Rachel Ray Show and the New York Times.

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Questions & Reviews

  1. I love cookie dough! And I also have issues with raw eggs. I saw another recipe for a cookie dough frozen yogurt and one comment mentioned that there are warnings now about salmonella in flour. Do you have any thoughts about this? I really don’t want to have to be paranoid about flour also. . .

  2. Im confused do you use a tablespoon scoop or a half tablespoon scoop or both… or teaspoon size… the picture says tablespoon the recipe says teaspoon.. I’m sorry… just wanted to make sure..

  3. Oh Kate. You are EVIL! Those look amazingly amazing and simple and just wonderfully wonderful and … you get the idea. I want some bad enough to get off the couch and make them, so that I can get BACK to the couch and eat them!

  4. OMG! I NEED these now! I am having major chocolate cravings today!

  5. Yum! I bet these are amazing. My husband loves the cookies but I am all over the cookie dough! Thanks.

  6. Oh. Wow. I wonder if these are going to make it to the chocolate-dipping stage. Thank you!!

  7. Mmmmm…. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! I’ve been craving cookie dough for months… 7.5 to be exact. I normally have no reservations to taste testing the batter and licking the paddle clean but somehow being pregnant makes me feel all the more guilty about that little pleasure. I’ve tried a few eggless cookie dough recipes and they just don’t cut it. SO excited to see one from you!

  8. It’s the opposite in our house–my husband loves chocolate chip cookie dough and I won’t touch the stuff. I’ll have to file this one away to make as a special treat for his birthday or something. He’d be excited.

    1. It’s the same in our house!! So glad I found this as my husband’s bday is at the end of the month!

  9. OK, I have to comment on this because I make this exact recipe CONSTANTLY. It is my favorite treat to have around, I’ve probably made it 50 times in the last 2 years. So I wanted to share my tips. First, it would be too runny to roll into balls if you did the balls first, before chilling the dough. I chill the dough FIRST, then scoop. If you make it with extra flour it’s not as good in my opinion. Second, I add about 1/2 c. finely chopped walnuts. I don’t usually add nuts to my chocolate chip cookies, but in this recipe it definitely adds a depth of flavor that I think is missing if I skip it.
    Also, to make it easier when you make it all the time like I do, I don’t roll it into balls, I scoop it, level off the scoop, and pop that directly into the chocolate. I don’t care that they have a flat bottom. I use a fork and a spatula to scoop them out and scrape off the excess. And since we’re talking about coating them, I’ll mention that I ONLY make these with dark chocolate. I really like Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate chips. I’ve bought them by the case before (I have a serious addiction to these truffles).
    I also don’t make the whole batch in one go. I melt one bag of chocolate chips in the microwave (skipping the extra oil – I don’t find it necessary). I coat 1/2 the truffles, and freeze the remaining dough for another day.
    Finally, I agree, these are best served cold. I keep them in the fridge after coating.
    Sorry, I just had to share my truffle experience with everyone!

    1. Rachel…you make these about 25 times a year…?? Honey, where do you live? (prepare to be truffle-stalked…lol!)

  10. Oooh! I’ve made these several times and they are really delicious! Word to the wise: make sure you store them in a covered container, because they will pick up other flavors from your fridge really easily, and if (hypothetically) your roommate puts an open container of chopped onion next to them, they will be ruined.

    1. Wicked, naughty, evil roommate. (just kidding, but you know what I mean) One Christmas my sweetie got me chocolates, and hid them in the same bag with the incense he also bought me. I ate the patchouli-chocolate anyway, cuz…well…it wasn’t just chocolate, it was Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Raspberry Caramels. But it’s not an experience I’d willingly repeat.

  11. I made these one time…they were ok. It might not have been this exact recipe, but it was very similar. I prefer to make mine with my regular choc chip cookie dough recipe but leave the eggs out and add a little bit of milk until the consistency is right. You could probably use water though if you didn’t want to keep the truffles chilled.
    Dang, now I might have to go make some!

    1. If it was the same recipe, I made some modifications that made it way better. As written, the dough was WAY too runny. I also added more chocolate chips and used real chocolate to dip them in instead of the candy coating.

  12. Your timing is impeccable! I’m pregnant and have been craving some cookie dough, but of course I can’t eat the raw eggs. So this recipe is way perfect! And I probably won’t be sharing any of these…Nom Nom!

  13. I’ve made a lot of oreo truffles and have even made some money off it. I’ve missed them, but I think this is what I’ll do next, if I ever make anything 🙂

  14. these look delicious.
    I am glad that I am not the only one with a thing for raw eggs (and chicken). I always make sure that everything is disinfected when I use any. There are more of us!!!!

  15. Oh. My. Gosh. I want to make these right now and eat them until I feel totally sick. This recipe totally makes my day. Thanks for being awesome!

  16. I think I’ll make these for our ward Linger Longer on Sunday!! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Oh my gosh these look fabulous and delicious! Can you use fat free sweetened condensed milk? The only reason I am asking is that’s what’s in the pantry. Thanks.

  18. This is exactly what I have been looking for! And they look amazing.

  19. Wow, this looks really tasty! I’m a big fan of chocolate chip cookie dough, and this looks like the perfect mix. lol, the chocolate outside is almost not even needed!

  20. Umm… Yeah…these look AMAZING!!!! Also, did I miss you announcing the iPad giveaway?! I’ve been dreaming about winning…