Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

This is one of those recipes that in my opinion, everyone needs in their repertoire (oh, automatic spell-check, how I love thee).  It’s super fast to put together, chances are you have everything on hand already, and it’s a knock-it-out-of-the-ballpark for both kids and adults.  This is my go-to dessert when I’m taking someone dinner after they’ve had a baby, or moved in to a new house, or just need some happiness on their doorstep.  I also love that if you cheat and buy pie crusts, they come in 2-packs and it’s really easy to double so you can eat one and share one, or make 2 for a crowd.  I’m sharing it today because it’s a perfect family Valentine’s Day treat!

Also, in case you haven’t gathered, it’s like a hot mess of cookie dough in a pie crust.  With ice cream on top.  Can’t go wrong there. (If this is all seeming familiar, I did at one point make a bite-sized version, very similar to this).  And now I’m thinking  Pie in a Jar.  Why haven’t I tried that before?!

This is about 10 times easier than making chocolate chip cookies.  And chocolate chip cookies aren’t even hard!  Start by beating a couple of eggs for about a minute.

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

Add in some sugar (both brown and white, because let’s face it, 2 sugars are better than one) and a little flour.

When those are nice and smooth, mix in some butter.  It’s important that your butter is soft.  Not melted, but not sort-of soft.  Just normal soft.  Thoroughly soft.  You could stir it with a spoon soft.  You want it to blend right in to the mixture.

Once that’s smooth (seriously we’re only at about 1.5 minutes here) add in chocolate chips and some toasted nuts.

“Wait Sara, I hate nuts!  My kids are allergic to nuts!  I am morally opposed to nuts!” Good for you.  Leave them out.  We’re talking about gooey cookie dough-ish deliciousness here.  Good with or without nuts people.

See that right there?  That’s the point in which you dunk your finger in.  I mean, a spoon.  Whatever.

Pop that mixture into your pie crust.  I’m lazy and bought mine at the store.  Don’t tell Kate.

I keep disposable pie pans on hand just for this very recipe.  You never know when you’ll need to take someone a cookie pie.

Bake it in the oven for about an hour.

I know what you’re thinking, not super impressive.  Just wait.  You will take one whiff and want to immediately dig a spoon into it.  Don’t do it!  First of all it’s not one of those desserts that you can totally pick the top off of and have no one notice (um…no I’ve never done that.  Why would you assume such things??) More importantly, it really does need time to set up.  It’s fantastic warm, but not piping hot.  It will actually fall apart if you try to serve it too hot.  So stick it on a cooling rack and be patient.  Go write a letter, count to one thousand, or lock yourself in the bathroom and try to french braid your own hair.

It actually tastes quite different when it’s warm vs. completely cooled.  When it’s warm, it melts the ice cream and it’s like eating a big bowl of half baked ooey-gooey cookie dough.

Exhibit A:

When it’s cooled you can pick up the slices like a cookie.  It’s chewy and soft, with bits of crunchy, and sort of like an amazing bar cookie.

Exhibit B:

So.  Good.  Both ways.  I actually think it tastes much less rich when it’s cool.  Now go eat a cookie pie.

Such a yummy and easy dessert, perfect for new moms!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

5 from 1 vote
My go-to dessert for so many occasions; great for new moms, potlucks, or just a Netflix binge. The best part? 10 times easier than chocolate chip cookies - if you can imagine that!


  • 1 unbaked 9-inch pie crust homemade or store-bought.
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 C flour
  • 1/2 C white granulated sugar
  • 1/2 C packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 C real butter softened (1 1/2 sticks)
  • 1 C chocolate chips semi-sweet or dark works best, you might find milk too sweet
  • 1 C chopped pecans you are welcome to make it without nuts
  • Vanilla ice cream or sweetened whipped cream for serving (a must! I prefer ice cream)
  • Optional: chocolate sauce honestly, doesn't really need chocolate sauce, but it looks pretty!


  • Preheat oven to 325° F.
  • Beat eggs in large mixer bowl on high speed until foamy. Beat in flour, granulated sugar and brown sugar. Beat in butter. Stir in morsels and nuts. Spoon into pie shell.
  • Bake for 55 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted halfway between edge and center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack or serve slightly warmed. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.


  • *There have been several comments about pies turning out runny. First and foremost, follow the instructions, completely (no margarine or anything from a tub!) I've made a million of these and never had that happen so I honestly have no idea. The recipe is correct as written, it comes straight from Nestle! The only thing I can think of is that altitude might be a factor. One reader suggested adding 2 Tbs of flour if you're at a high altitude. If anyone finds that solves their problem, let me know!
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Meet The Author

Sara Wells

Sara Wells co-founded Our Best Bites in 2008. She is the author of three Bestselling Cook Books, Best Bites: 150 Family Favorite RecipesSavoring the Seasons with Our Best Bites, and 400 Calories or Less from Our Best Bites. Sara’s work has been featured in many local and national news outlets and publications such as Parenting MagazineBetter Homes & GardensFine CookingThe Rachel Ray Show and the New York Times.

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Questions & Reviews

  1. My teeth ache just looking at this. 🙂 But, I bet my FIL's sweet tooth will adore it. Thanks for sharing such a simple pleaser.

  2. I posted a facebook plee for someone to make me this… we shall see what happens…

  3. That looks great! With so little flour I bet I can make it gluten free an never notice the difference

  4. My kids would love this, and we're one of those families that think nuts in baked goods is a crime. Could I sub in oatmeal, or would that mess it up?

  5. Oh my….so early in my day to be thinking of sweet treats, but this is going on my short list to make!

  6. For some reason this reminds me of a sweet cheese ball I make. Obviously its totally different. I think it may have been the pecans. It looks delicious though… dang, I'm gonna have to try it.

  7. Oh my gawd. That looks amazing. Valentine's Day dinner dessert chosen. Thanks so much!!

  8. My friend,I have 15 more post-partum pounds to lose and silly posts like this DO NOT HELP!

  9. This is my all-time favorite dessert. And once I learned how it was made it became decadently dangerous!!!

  10. So ironic that I just discovered your mini version of these yesterday. Either route I go, I think this is what I'm going to make for the neighbor who has snow blowed our walk and the apron to our driveway everytime it snowed this year. Choclate ooey gooey-ness in pie form – can you really go wrong with that?

  11. with the kind of week that I've been having, I think I might make this!

    this sound DELICIOUS!

      1. I’m not a huge fan of pastry pie crusts, so I’ve done it a couple times with the Nila wafer cookie crust. I like it!

  12. Um, I would so go make this right now if I didn't think the yummy smell would wake the whole house.