Chewy Almond-Coconut Chex Mix

First of all, have you checked out our Halloween Party Food Post?? It is full of amazing (and easy!!) ideas! I mean, hello Mummy Dogs and creepy finger cheese! On the less spooky side, this is one of my favorite party foods ever. I’ve met lots of people who have a recipe for this and none of us have a good name for it. I got it from my childhood piano teacher who called it “Cereal Gooey Stuff.” I’ve heard it called “Moose Munch” and “Cereal Crack” and “Reindeer Droppings.” My step-mom, much to my humiliation, called it “Meow Mix” when I was a teenager:

Kate’s Stepmom: Hey, girls, would you like some Meow Mix?
Bratty Teenage Kate: [Hides head, utterly convinced she will die of embarrassment.]

So, in the spirit of Halloween, I’ve named this Goblin Grub, but the remaining 11 months of the year, you can probably call it Chewy Almond Coconut Chex Mix. Or something related to drugs or something semi-gross involving animals, that’s cool, too.

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You’re going to need some Rice Chex, Golden Grahams, sliced almonds, light corn syrup, vanilla and almond extracts, butter, and unsweetened coconut.


Chewy Almond Coconut Chex Mix

Place the cereal, almonds, and coconut in a VERY LARGE bowl (or even a cookie sheet.

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Toss them together and set aside.

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In a large saucepan, combine butter, Karo syrup, and sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and cook for three minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. While the mixture is still hot, pour over the cereal mixture

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and stir well so the candy mixture coats the cereal.

Chewy Almond Coconut Chex Mix-7 copyTry keeping your fingers out of it until it cools a little. You can serve it in a bowl like this, but dividing it into individual portions isn’t a terrible idea (because it’s so sticky and also because it’s so addictive.)Chewy Almond Coconut Chex Mix-5

Chewy Coconut-Almond Chex Mix

5 from 3 votes
This Chewy Coconut-Almond Chex Mix is perfect for parties or a family treat!


  • 6 1/2 cups Rice Chex
  • 4 1/2 cups Golden Grahams
  • 1 cup sliced almonds
  • 2 cups unsweetened coconut
  • 3/4 cup 1 1/2 sticks butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup light Karo syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract


  • In a VERY large bowl (or on a cookie sheet), combine cereals, almonds, and coconut. Set aside.
  • In a large saucepan, combine butter, Karo syrup, and sugar. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and almond extract. While the mixture is still hot, pour over the cereal mixture and stir well so the candy mixture coats the cereal. Serve in a large bowl or divide into individual portions.
Author: Our Best Bites
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woman in denim shirt holding a salad bowl
Meet The Author

Sara Wells

Sara Wells co-founded Our Best Bites in 2008. She is the author of three Bestselling Cook Books, Best Bites: 150 Family Favorite RecipesSavoring the Seasons with Our Best Bites, and 400 Calories or Less from Our Best Bites. Sara’s work has been featured in many local and national news outlets and publications such as Parenting MagazineBetter Homes & GardensFine CookingThe Rachel Ray Show and the New York Times.

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Questions & Reviews

  1. How about "Crunchy Munchy Gooiness". It looks really yummy. 🙂

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. I love this stuff! Only we use Crispix (so we call it Crispix mix), and we add M&M's too. Will definitely be making this for our women's retreat this weekend. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. My sister-in-law calls it "Garp"…sounds so harsh and yuck. But, I have an aunt that calls it "Celestial Chew"…much more heavenly.

  4. thank you so much for posting this recipe! my grandma ALWAYS made this for us when we were growing up – but no one thought to get the recipe!! I am soo excited to make it for my daughter now! 🙂

    We always called it 'coconut crunchy much' 🙂


  5. We call this Satan's Snack….It's impossible to stop eating. Only you forgot the M&Ms. I can't eat it without those…(I prefer PB ones)

  6. This is a faveorite in our home. We call it "Addition". I add M&M's to match the holiday along with jimmies.

  7. I love this stuff! It is hard to think of a name though, I have a very similar recipe and the title is "Golden Graham Chex Mix." Not very original, but creativity is not my expertise, sorry. 🙂

  8. Looks delicious! I have never made it myself so this is a must, How about "crackcandy??" 🙂

  9. Looks delicious! I have never made it myself so this is a must, How about "crackcandy??" 🙂

  10. I wanted to say "Monster Munch" but I think that's against the rules. How about "Coconut Crunch"? Looks delicious!

  11. We use this same recipe and we just call it Chex Mix since I never make the "other" kind of chex mix. We LOVE it!

  12. I make something like this,but w/ white choc.! So it's White Trash b/c of all the stuff you throw together! lol


  13. My little sister made this once when she was visiting and called it "crack". It looks like I'm not the only one who's heard it called that. I think something like, "crunchy munch." Good luck with the naming. I hope I win the giveaway.

  14. Mmm, I love this stuff! I've only ever called it chewy chex mix though, so while it fits your critera, it's not too creative.

  15. We call this Coconut Chex Mix at our home. But you're so right about it being addictive. You're smart to divvy it out…great plan!! As for the chocolate request, my aunt would always sprinkle over the seasonal m&ms when it was a little bit cooled. Then it's for sure holiday-esque. Love your blog you two!

  16. How about "crackalackin sweet goodness"? I know it doesn't make much sense but isn't it fun to say?

  17. That looks great! I'll make it right away!

    How about "Coconut Sweeties"? Silly, obviously, but it gets the point across.

  18. Looks wonderful- but I'm not creative this early in the AM, so I can't help with a new name. I'll try to come back later if something pops in my mind.

  19. YUM. I must say, I would probably find a way to incorporate some chocolate in there, too! Looks delicious!

  20. We have a popcorn treat at our house called "crackcorn" because of it's addictive abilities; it's nice to hear someone else refer to food as crack too. How about Sticky Heaven, because this looks delish!