Can someone please explain something to me? What’s up with the mustache thing? Kate and I have had many conversations with one another trying to figure out how on earth how mustaches (especially ones on sticks) became a “thing.” Like, trendy enough that you find sweaters like the one below in the middle of Target. And trendy enough that people are somehow convinced they need to jump on Pinterest crazes and make mustaches a part of important life events like one’s WEDDING DAY. I predict 50 years into the future there will be grandchildren all over the world looking at antique photos asking, “Grandma, why is everyone at your wedding making weird expressions and holding fake mustaches up to to cover their faces?” And Grandma will then drop her head in shame and wonder the same darn thing. Think about
it people, think about it. Ironically enough, the same day I took a picture of this ridiculous sweater at Target to send to Kate (because that’s what we spend half of every day doing: sending pictures of weird things to each other) I also bought…mustache straws. How could I not? They have Irish mustaches on them. And everyone knows that while a long black hairy mustache is weird, a fluffy orange Irish one is fun, festive, and adorable.
I had straws, so I wanted to make a fun drink. My St. Patrick’s Day recipes around here usually default to things that are mint chocolate because that’s one of my favorite flavor combos, and well, it’s green. But everyone knows the infamous “Shamrock Shake” is basically just vanilla ice cream with peppermint and food coloring and I feel like it’s totally been overdone on food blogs, so I wanted something green, but not minty, and something my kids would still like. They’re all about fruity and fizzy and I’m all about coconut and lime-y so I went with that. These would be super easy to whip up on Sunday and a great one for kids to help with.
Start with some ice in your blender
and add in some cream of coconut. Cream of coconut is not coconut milk. You can find it in either a can or preferably a squeeze bottle in the section of the grocery store where you find alcoholic drink mixers like pina colada and margaritas, etc. We use cream of coconut in a lot of recipes, so you’ll have plenty of reasons to use the leftovers!
Next in is some half and half. Don’t use milk- that’s just weird. Cream? A-Ok if you’re feeling that naughty.
And if you want to make these green like I did, add in a drop or two of food coloring. You’ll get a cold, frothy mixture that will taste super delicious. Pour that into your glasses.
Next, scoop in a big ol’ scoop of lime sherbet,
And then pour your favorite lemon-lime soda over the top (Sprite, 7-Up, Sierra Mist, etc.) Those creamy frothy bubbles are one of the best things about any flavor of float.
Top with a little whipped cream, and if you like- some flecks of gold to attract those sneaky little leprechauns.
Also, a mustache on a stick. But make sure it’s an Irish one.
Creamy Coconut-Lime Floats
Recipe by Our Best Bites
1/2 cup crushed ice
1/2 cup half and half
4 tablespoons cream of coconut
lime sherbet
1 cup lemon-lime soda
optional: green food coloring
Place ice, cream of coconut, and half & half in a blender and blend until smooth. Add green food coloring if desired. Divide mixture between 2 large glasses or 4 small ones. Scoop in one large scoop of sherbet into each glass. Top with about 1/2 cup soda in each glass (That’s if you’re making 2 servings. If you’re making 4 small glasses, use about 1/4 cup soda in each glass). Top with whipped cream and gold sprinkles if desired.
Questions & Reviews
I am so excited to have a green St. Patrick’s Day treat that isn’t mint! I can not wait to try this!
Thank you! I thought I was the only person in the world who didn’t get the mustache thing. These look yummy and I can’t wait to try them.
I don’t know if this can explain the whole mustache craze, but some people I know have a 9-year-old daughter named Maddie who recently had a brain tumor (mostly) removed. Her parents said she thinks mustaches are hilarious, so they asked people to post ‘stash pictures to help cheer her up. The story made it on the news, so that could account for some of it.
this sounds yummy… and I’m with you about the mustache craze I dont get it either
I hope no one in our family does the wedding mustache thing. Yuck!!! My husband and one of our sons has a mustache, but also a full beard.
I think the mustache thing is cute…on my toddler! I am not a fan of all of the minty shakes, just not my thing. However, give me some coconut and lime anyday! I will be trying this real soon, like tomorrow! I mean it’s grocery day and all.
I made this tonight and it was delicious. But it shattered my blender so I guess we won’t be having it again for a while.
Oh dear! How on earth did your blender shatter??
I think it was because I was trying to crush the ice in it. I should have smashed it a little before putting it in the blender.
Oh! I like the idea of doing LIME for green on St. Patrick’s day!! I’m good with mint, too, but lime is a nice change! Super refreshing and the citrus is nice for Spring coming. 🙂 I have to say, I think the mustache thing is kinda funny and fun for silly pictures, but it’s gone WAY overboard!! Especially when it’s at weddings, etc. I did, however, do a lesson on Abinadi last year in my Primary class and we drew mustaches onto our fingers as a reminder of when he is in disguise. It was a big hit and they remembered that lesson for a long time! Also… #ihateallthehashtags!!
A few people at my Husband’s work participated in Movember (November) where the men could grow a mustache for the month to help support and raise awareness for men’s health issues, prostate cancer etc. I was not fully supportive of this idea as real-life mustaches are gross but it was for a good cause. Kudos to those who did it, but my husband opted not to (luckily!) The fake mustaches craze are at least slightly whimsical though and less creepy.
I am laughing out loud because I often wonder where the heck this moustache thing came from?!? We have “Movember” here (is that a worldwide thing?) but I remember when Moustaches were tacky and ridiculous! They were a “Dad” thing and now I see so many young guys sporting weird facial hair. Anyway, can’t wait to see if I can find these ingredients and try this for St. Patrick’s Day 🙂
Looks amazing! I don’t usually comment before trying the food, but I had to jump in when I saw a sister-in-mustache-confusion. I have been seriously befuddled about this one. Right along with the hashtag craze, excepting for when it has a purpose on twitter. Agh, I’m not one of the cool kids! Except I would be if I made this drink for people . . . soon.
Ohhhh my gosh Emily, don’t even get me started on hashtags. #overkill #peopledontevenknowhowtousethem #stopwiththefreakinghashtagsandjustwriteasentence
Oh, yes! Totally agree. The hashtags are getting ridiculous!
Oh man! The hashtag thing drives me crazy! Just say what you mean people!!! And I don’t get the mustache thing either…who decides these things are cool anyway?!
Hahaha – you have to give it to people for their not pressing the space bar self-control skills. Ever since I left that comment yesterday I have been imagining myself in my most pinteresting outfit trying to get to know new people by serving them drinks, mustache in hand. #howyalikemenow 🙂
Ha, ha! I have literally had the exact same thoughts about the whole moustache trend, right down to explaining your wedding pictures to your grandkids saying “it was cool, just trust me”! How does something like that become a trend? It makes me wonder what other ridiculous thing could be made into the latest cool trend. Sounds like a fun social experiment to me! These shakes look delicious. I have still yet to find coconut cream anywhere in Canada. I guess I’m going to have to try a liquor store.
Did you try looking for it in a can? I know that sounds weird, but I have found it here in Canada (at Wal-Mart I think) in a can. 🙂 It was near the coconut milk which is also in a can. Hope that helps!
First of all, YUM. I want one of those. Right now. And second, my husband and a team of his co-workers participated in Movember last year and he grew his first ever ‘stache. It was not cool and I was so happy when December 1st rolled around. They had a bake sale for their team and he asked me to make…. mustachioed cupcakes.
Amen sista. I DON’T GET IT! I’m all about having fun and creating silly memories – but this one is not for me. I feel like one of those kids that is left out of the joke and no one explains it to me. Someone, please explain!
AMEN to the mustache thing! As much as I try, I just can’t seem to figure out why people think they’re so cute. But wow, these shakes look good! I tried a similar one last summer from Family Fun, but it called for real lime juice instead of sherbet. I’m sure this one is just as tasty!
This sounds awesome!! I love the combination!
So out of that entire post… I just can’t get over the cuteness of those argyle napkins! Where did you find those? Can’t wait to try out the float too…
Where did you get those mustache straws? My boys would go crazy for these. I’m sure I don’t get the mustache craze either, but my boys sure love them. They’ve taken to drawing them on the inside of their index finger, holding said finger over their lips and then…bam, you’ve got yourself a mustache. They think it’s HILARIOUS! They are nine and seven and their dad thinks it’s hilarious too.
Straws are from Target 🙂
I saw some yesterday in the dollar bin at Wal-Mart (in case you live in a sad little Target-less town like I do). The ones at Wal-Mart are black, though.
That’s hilarious. Even my daughter does that! lol
oooo this looks so good! I love floats! Thanks for the delish drink, I’m going to totally make this on Sunday!
Oh em gee! Thank you! I don’t get the mustache thing at all … and the fact that they are part of weddings and baby showers is beyond strange to me. I seriously thought I was the only one who didn’t understand this. Remember when mullets were cool and trendy to like/make fun of? It was just as weird, but I don’t think it was taken to the extreme of this mustache fascination as of late.
I don’t get the mustache thing either! Glad I’m not the only one! We usually do shakes with mint chocolate chip ice cream for St. Patrick’s Day. I like your float idea! Different from all the chocolate/mint combos!
What other recipes do you use the cream of coconut, bc that looks amazing!!!
You have to try the mango coconut smoothie from the cookbook–it’s awesome!
I always have some cream of coconut in my fridge for pina coladas (with or without the alcohol). I just throw some ice, fresh pineapple, and a couple of squeezes of cream of coconut into my blender and blend ’til I have the consistency I want. I’ve even put in some fresh strawberries (or other fruit) for a delicious twist.
i wonder the same thing!! i bought the cream of coconut specifically for this recipe 🙂 but now i want to eat it straight from the bottle!! i need to use it up in something yummy..
If you love it from the bottle, try my coconut turnovers in the dessert section- you’ll love them!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one wondering about the whole mustache thing. I joined the Pinterest party a little late and thought, “Did I miss something?” Apparently my wedding wasn’t awesome because we didn’t have a photo booth with big lips and mustaches.
Ditto on the ice comments. I love that you included a close-up picture of those little pellets just to show it off and make us all wish we were as cool as you are.
hahah! My thoughts exactly! We are so jealous of your ice! =)
I agree with Qwendykay! I would promise to finish my dinner if I could have a cup of your ice afterwards. It’s a good thing I’m not your neighbor. I’d be at your house constantly asking to “borrow” some ice. Good job on the green non-minty yumminess!
I have been wondering the exact same thing about the mustache craze. I just don’t get it! That said, your orange mustaches in these pictures are the perfect prop. 🙂
Love it! Thanks for a great idea!
My brother informed me that it’s Mustache March. I don’t know if it’s real or not but he’s growing a mustache just the same. I just think that the mustache is making a comeback. One of my brothers can’t really grow a mustache (comes in really blond) so he started wearing the stick on mustaches. It’s a joke in our house. I don’t really know why it’s so popular right now but they are.
No, Mustache March I get. I’m wondering about “Mustache 2012” haha.
You are so just taunting us with your fancy ice! I am kicking myself for not putting an ice machine in my kitchen when we remodeled two years ago.
I’m totally trying these, we love Lime!
RE: the *fancy* ice! If you have a Sonic near you, you can buy a bag there for about $1.79!
i’m totally making these! “minty” is not really my thing 🙂 and i’m super jealous of your ice maker!!!