Hasselback Sweet Potatoes

Hasselback sweet potatoesFor the longest time, I thought I didn’t like sweet potatoes. That is because they were always covered in marshmallows and brown sugar and cinnamon and it always just felt kind of wrong (let it be known that this is the only time in my life that I’ve ever said that marshmallows and brown sugar and cinnamon, especially all together, are wrong.) I do love Sara’s Candied Coconut Sweet Potatoes, but they are definitely the exception.

So when this whole sweet potato fry craze started, I was not really onboard. I just had unfortunate semi-repressed sweet potato memories of Thanksgivings gone by and I figured life’s short, I shouldn’t have to eat foods that make me cringey even if they are super cool.

But as a perpetual victim of peer pressure, I gave in and tried them and it turns out that much like Sam I Am and his green eggs and his ham, I am quite keen on sweet potato fries. And all savory sweet potato dishes. 

That said, I’m not crazy about just a flat-out baked sweet potato. There’s something about the texture that bothers me. So my answer to this is the same answer I have for all of life’s greatest conundrums: Hasselback those potatoes. Just kidding. That is almost never my answer. Unless it comes to baking sweet potatoes.

If you’ve never had a Hasselback potato, they’re basically potatoes that are thinly sliced, almost all the way to the bottom (so the potato is still in tact), rubbed with butter or oil, seasoned, and baked, so everything is a little crispy and a little baked-y. They’re easy to share (or eat all by yourself, let’s be real) and a fun way to mix up the baked potato compartment of your life.

To get started with these, you’ll need 4 medium (about 6 ounce) sweet potatoes that you’ve scrubbed well, some olive oil, garlic powder, kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, and a really sharp knife. You’ll also want to preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.

Hasselback Sweet Potato Ingredients

Very, very carefully, cut the potatoes into 1/8″ slices, leaving about 1/4″ on the bottom (I’ve seen some tutorials where you put a chopstick on either side of the potato to keep from cutting down too far. I couldn’t find any chopsticks, so I lived on the edge and freehanded it with minimal casualties.)

sliced hasselback sweet potato

In a small bowl, combine 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil (I used our Garlic Olive Oil this go around and they were fantastic!), 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, and about 1/8-1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and rub it all over each potato, getting into the little crevices as much as possible.

oiled hasselback sweet potato

Place the potatoes, cut side up, on a lined baking sheet and bake for about 50-60 minutes. While the potatoes are baking, whisk together 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons of adobo sauce (the sauce from a can of chipotle chilies) the juice of 1/2 of a lime, and salt and pepper to taste.

greek yogurt, limes, and chipotle

When the potatoes are done, drizzle them with the chipotle-yogurt sauce

hassleback sweet potatoes

Hassleback sweet potatoes from Our Best Bites


OBB-Fit-Club 125Announcement! All of you who have been patiently awaiting news about our Fit Club– make sure you are here TOMORROW!  Info will be launching on The Scoop, so don’t miss it!  If you haven’t followed the Fit Club Instagram account, make sure to do that too!  You’ll find us at: @OurBestBites_FitClub

woman in denim shirt holding a salad bowl
Meet The Author

Sara Wells

Sara Wells co-founded Our Best Bites in 2008. She is the author of three Bestselling Cook Books, Best Bites: 150 Family Favorite Recipes, Savoring the Seasons with Our Best Bites, and 400 Calories or Less from Our Best Bites. Sara’s work has been featured in many local and national news outlets and publications such as Parenting Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, Fine Cooking, The Rachel Ray Show and the New York Times.

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Questions & Reviews

  1. I prefer yams myself over sweet potatoes to flat out eat. I find a certain dryness to the sweet potato that isn’t as appealing as a yam. However you did a most excellent job of featuring that ol’ sweet potato

  2. So because of the yogurt part, I can’t think of a single thing I’d eat this as a side dish for…what do you serve this with? Are they any good without the yogurt sauce?

    1. You can totally leave it out and it will still be delicious–it’s just kind of like a spicy sour cream.

  3. How funny – I feel exactly the same way! Marshmallows and brown sugar definitely have a place in this world, but in my opinion not on sweet potatoes! This recipe looks amazing, I am pinning and will try it soon. Thanks!

  4. I feel the same way about sweet potatoes! And squash for that matter. I thought I didn’t like them at all until I tried sweet potato fries, followed by your savory roasted butternut squash recipe. So strange since I also usually love things with butter and brown sugar. It’s like you read my mind.

  5. Thanks for another savory sweet potato recipe! I tried the sweet Thanksgiving kind for years hoping to like them, with no success. Sweet potato fries were an epiphany. Your recipe for them is a staple at our house. I’m excited for a new way to cook the potatoes.

  6. I used the feel the way about sweet potatoes – and for the same marshmallowy reasons! My husband convinced me to try a savory sweet potato dish years ago though – and I was won over. Much like you though, I only eat sweet potatoes in savory forms.
    – Thanks for another great recipe! Can’t wait to try it!

  7. You crack me up! I haven’t given in to peer pressure and I’m not a sweet potato lover, but I assume this would work equally well with regular potatoes, right?

    Looking forward to tomorrow!

  8. Oh! My! Goodness! I was planning on sweet potatoes with turkey meatloaf tonight-now I know what I’m doing with them! On a side note-SO excited for the launch of the fit club!

  9. where does the name come from? it’s from those Hasselback’s we all know? or am I confused?

    also for those of us instagram challenged, can we start up a facebook page for the fit deal too or is that too much?

  10. With smaller potatoes I use a large wooden spoon to cradle the potato and then cut down and it keeps me from cutting all the way through. Not sure if it would work with a sweet potato though.

    P.S. In our house DBF often gets confused and calls these Hasselhoff potatoes.

  11. My wife made some screwed up sweet potatoes the other day, they were freakish but she didn’t want me to waste it so I still ate it. I’m going to ask her nicely to try this. Or maybe I should try myself, but then again I’d probably bomb it.

  12. What an amazing, Sweet Potato item!!! I would love it any time of the day!!!