2-Ingredient Pancakes

A few months ago I picked up a muscle magazine at the gym and almost gagged out loud when I read a recipe for “Protein Cupcakes” that involved mixing protein powder and plain yogurt together and piping it on top of some concoction involving pureed beans, flax seed, wheat germ, and egg whites.  “It tastes JUST like a cupcake!”  One thing was clear- it had obviously been a long time since that person had consumed an actual cupcake.  It’s like when people tell you that you’ll never know there’s kale in that sludge-colored smoothie you’re drinking (I can tell) or that you won’t miss pasta if you substitute a spaghetti squash (no really, you’ll miss it.  A lot.)  So listen up.  I’m not going to tell you this little miracle recipe tastes just like a pancake.  Use your brain and look at the ingredient list.  The only two necessary ingredients here are these:

Egg and Banana

Seriously.  No flour, nothing else.

I’ve seen this recipe floating around for years, in those same magazines that tried to tell me that my brain will not know the difference between protein powder with yogurt and glorious butter and sugar, so naturally I discounted it immediately.  But over the past year or so I’ve seen this popping up in more and more reputable sources, so eventually I gave it a try- fully expecting to laugh in the epic failure it surely would be.  But something happened.  Don’t ask me how.  Somehow when you mix bananas and eggs together and say some magic words, an unseen universe wizard comes and sprinkles pancake dust on it and it magically turns into this:

Stack of Two Ingredient Pancakes

It’s sort of amazing actually.  The result is obviously different than a standard carb-filled pancake.  The best way to describe the flavor and texture is it’s like the center of a piece of french toast.  Kind of eggy and crepe-ish.  Keep that in mind when you make these.  If you’re expecting a real pancake you’ll be sorely disappointed.  While these certainly aren’t meant to replace a good ol’ classic pancake, surprisingly they’ve found a solid place in my kitchen.  They take literally 30 seconds to make, and less than a minute to cook.  They’re low calorie, high protein, and my kids love them.  That means pancakes on a week day morning or a quick daytime snack is totally doable.  If you’re into fit food and healthy eating, you’ll probably love these.  Banana and eggs?  Pretty much the perfect pre or post workout combo. So watch this:

One large banana.  Open ‘er up and mash it with a fork.  You’ll want to mash it pretty well, a little more than you’d mash for banana bread.  If you don’t mash well, you’ll end up with kind of a lumpy gooey mess that basically tastes like scrambled eggs and banana chunks and then you’ll come back and leave mean comments on this post.  And no one wants that.

Mashed Banana

Crack open 2 eggs and mix it in there.

Eggs and Banana

Now that’s seriously ALL you need.  I promise.  You could mix that up really well and then pour the batter on a hot pan just like you’d cook a normal pancake.  I add couple more things, namely a tiny pinch of baking powder, and a few dashes of cinnamon.

Cinnamon and Baking Powder

Remember back in my Healthy Thai Chicken Salad recipe when I introduced you to PB2 (powdered peanut butter)?  I love that stuff.  When I’m making these for my kids, I add a couple of spoonfuls of that in as well because it adds a little protein and makes the pancakes a little more substantial.  It doesn’t really make them taste like peanut butter, but I do like the addition.

Eggs, banana, PB2

Now, you can make these in the blender as well.  I actually usually throw everything in my blender, but if you process them until it’s totally smooth, your pancakes will be quite a bit flatter.  So I just pulse a few times until it’s all mixed, but you can still see some small chunks of banana. If you have a high-powered blender like the Blendtec, it really takes like, one pulse.

Blendtec blending ingredients

Then you’ll just cook them on a hot skillet just like you would a normal pancake.

Cooking Pancakes

I mentioned the taste and texture is similar to the middle of a piece of french toast,  or a crepe.  Neither of those things are very sweet and if you eat them on their own they’re mediocre at best.  When you eat that first pancake off the griddle you might be thinking the same thing.  Sweet eggs.  Yum, Sara.  Just what I was craving.

Stick with me.  You just need a little somethin’ somethin’.  But look at those cuties.  I like to call these ‘toddler pancakes’ because these are perrrrfect for little kids.  All three of mine love these.  Look at them- they look just like normal pancakes, crazy, right?

cooked banana pancakes

While they’re hot off the pan, spread them with a little butter.

Landolakes light butter

My favorite lower calorie option these days is this Land O Lakes light butter.

Spread Butter

Then drizzle with a little syrup.  Or you could use agave, honey, or any other sweetener you like.  (I love this Blueberry agave).

Banana Pancakes with Syrup

And while that’s delish, if you really want to make them yummy, give them a smear of nut butter, too. (I literally only buy Justin’s Maple Almond Butter in the sample pack size because I can’t have open jars of the stuff around.  It’s amazing and swoon-worthy.  (Also, this is not in any way a sponsored post even though I’m doing a ton of brand-naming today.  Just sharing some favorites.)

Justin's PB

Spread on a little love…

PB on Pancakes

and give that a drizzle.

2 ingredient pancakes with syrup

It’s honestly really, really good.

Healthy Low Carb Pancakes from Our Best Bites

And not horrible for you.

Close up of 2 ingredient pacakes

You know you have to go try this now.

Sweet Healthy Pancakes form Our Best Bites

Because you’re dying to know if I’m crazy like the protein cupcake lady.

Eating Pancakes
There’s one positive review.  I didn’t say a word about what was in these pancakes.  I just stood off to the side like a silent camera-wielding ninja.  I’m positive some of you will hate these, and some of you will love them.  Try for yourself and see which camp you fit in.  Let the games begin!

Quick and Healthy Two Ingredient Pancakes from Our Best Bites

Give it a shot and have an open mind.  Let me know what you think!  (Don’t forget the butter and syrup.  And maybe peanut butter.)

Close up of 2 ingredient pancakes

Two Ingredient Pancakes

5 from 3 votes


  • 1 large banana it should yield abt 1/3-1/2 cup, mashed
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking powder optional but recommended
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon optional but recommended


  • Heat a skillet on the stove top to medium heat.  While pan is heating, mash banana well and then mix in eggs, baking powder, and cinnamon.  When pan is hot (water droplets should sizzle) Spray pan lightly with non-stick spray.  Pour 2 tablespoons of batter at a time and cook until bottom appears set (30-60 seconds) flip with spatula and cook additional minute or less.  Serve warm with butter and syrup.


*When I add PB2, I do 2 tablespoons, and I find the powdered peanutbutter blends best if I pulse the mixture in the blender just a few times.
Author: Sara Wells
Did You Make This Recipe?Snap a picture, and hashtag it #ourbestbites. We love to see your creations on our Instagram @ourbestbites!

Nutritional Info (per 1 pancake alone)
Cal: 22  Protein: 1.2 g Fat: <1 g Carbs: 2.6 g


Last week we had some technical issues that made it difficult for many of you to access our site.  We apologize for that inconvenience.  We’re all fixed up now, and in case you missed the great recipes from last week, make sure to check out these links!

Review1.  Kate’s Chicken Enchilada Soup– this is on my menu this week.  Hot, cheesy, creamy, basically everything awesome about Enchiladas.  In a soup.

2.  Come peek into my kitchen and see the appliance I get asked about the most!  This thing is sort of amazing, and you just might want one, too.

3.  SEAHAWK FANS!  This awesome party food recipe is perfect for football, but also for anything you need to color coordinate.  School colors, holidays, sports teams, you name it.  Also, a hilarious video in that post which is worth clicking just for that.

4.  Last but not least, Reuben Pigs in a Blanket.  If you didn’t know this fun fact, one of my favorite foods in the whole world is pigs in a blanket.  And not even the fancy kind.  I’m talking good ol’ hotdogs in crescent rolls with sliced cheese.  So these fancy ones will probably knock socks off.

 PLEASE NOTE: If you leave a comment and don’t see it appear, no worries- it’s coming!  For some reason they’re delayed today, but it will pop up eventually.  We sure appreciate those of you who take time to comment on our posts- thank you!


woman in denim shirt holding a salad bowl
Meet The Author

Sara Wells

Sara Wells co-founded Our Best Bites in 2008. She is the author of three Bestselling Cook Books, Best Bites: 150 Family Favorite RecipesSavoring the Seasons with Our Best Bites, and 400 Calories or Less from Our Best Bites. Sara’s work has been featured in many local and national news outlets and publications such as Parenting MagazineBetter Homes & GardensFine CookingThe Rachel Ray Show and the New York Times.

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Questions & Reviews

  1. I LOVE these things! I started making them a few months ago and regularly have them for dinner. Tons of protein and fiber, and they are really good with a smear of jam. I always add a spoonful of rolled oats and a dab of nutmeg, but never thought about baking powder. I’m also going to try leaving it a bit chunkier instead of blending smooth next time. Thanks for the tips!

  2. Just made these for lunch today (yep, lunch). Holy yum! I’m not one who eats a lot of bananas, but the banana flavor is totally mild and they were not at all egg-y. They’re perfect to fulfill a craving while staying away from grains. Had mine with almond butter and a teaspoon of honey…

  3. I’m one of those crazy people that actually prefer spaghetti squash over pasta. I realized after a few go-rounds with it that it’s not the actual noodles I loved, it’s the sauce and amazing goodness that goes into the sauce that I love. Doesn’t really matter what I put it over, sometimes just grilled chicken, but the sauce is key. Plus, I feel way better when I don’t eat actual pasta. Those cupcake things though? No.

    These look fab! We do something similar but more egg, less banana and turn it into a scramble. Add a little maple syrup and it’s totally delish.

  4. I’m really sorry. I just made these for a snack, and they are really gross! Not one person in my family would eat them.

  5. Super easy and delish. These also work with a heaping 1/4 cup of pumpkin and it reduces the sugar. I add pumpkin pie spice and the kids devour them.

    1. Do you mean that you use the pumpkin RATHER than the banana? Or do you use both?????????? THank you

  6. I love that these can be eaten as a snack and are QUICK! I just started working out again and getting back into that routine and sometimes my husband and I don’t go for a walk or run or lift weights or whatever we’re doing until after he gets home which can be like, 5:30 and then we’re starving afterwards! And I hate the nights we have a late-ish work out and then I munch on so much stuff in the kitchen while cooking because I’m starving! And the whole “I’ll do a slow cooker meal on the nights we work out late” doesn’t always happen – trying these this week! Thanks 🙂

  7. Ok, I first saw this on Pinterest a year or so ago, tried it and immediately put it onto my “epic fail” board. I trust you girls, so I tried this again and it isn’t as bad as I remember. The first time it was like scrambled eggs that tasted like bananas, yuck!! This time I added the baking powder and cinnamon like you suggested and then added peanut butter and syrup, aside from the texture difference, they really aren’t all that bad. The kids will probably like it more that I do though….

    1. You can also add 1/2C oats to the batter to make them a bit more substantial and easier to flip!

  8. My mind is officially blown. Seriously. I don’t know where I’ve been but I’ve never even seen the mere suggestion of these pancakes so you can imagine the shock value of your post. Since we eat pancakes 3-4 times a week, there’s no way I’m NOT going to be able to try these soon. Super post!

  9. We make these! Always a hit. 🙂 I like to throw in a handful of oats, too – bulks them up a bit.

  10. Just tried these for lunch. I put a little peanut butter and maple syrup on mine, which mostly hides the flavor of any pancake, but the banana just peeked through, which was yummy.

  11. Also, have you ever tried using brown bananas that have been frozen? Wondering if this would be a good use for those or would they be too mushy for it?

  12. These look fantastic! The 3 ingredient banana-oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies floating around everywhere are also really good! I have this weird fear of agave because my sister in law used it forever and then found out that tons of women in China use it as a natural birth control-which she found out in the middle of a year of trying to have a baby, which didn’t happen for about 2 more years. Not saying the agave is to blame, but it gives me this irrational fear that if I eat it I’ll never have kids again! Haha

    1. I’m not sure about the frozen brown bananas- my gut tells me that would be too liquidy and mushy. And if it makes you feel any better, I’ve had 3 healthy babies (with no issues of fertility) on a diet involving agave for quite some time 😉

      1. Agava contraceptive? Does thst work for guys? Cos if it does, I’m gonna bulk order me some agave.

  13. I just made this for my kids, and my picky 3 year old just gobbled it up like candy. Thanks!

  14. Ha ha! Your favorite butter is what we use to get. However, we now make our own. Just put 1:1 ratio butter and canola oil in you blendtec. Mix. Pour into containers and place in fridge or freezer. Less $, still spreadable from fridge and tastes like butta!

    1. Candra, I find them at Walmart and Target. Both stores carry a good variety of Justin’s!

  15. Oooooo these look REALLY good!! Going to have to try these pronto! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Awesome recipe and so excited to try it and perfect for my 6 week challenge I started today. I love PB2, I like to add a little bit of honey to the mixture and then dip apples in it. I’ve always tried the regular but I think next time I’m going to order the chocolate one.

    1. Good luck with your challenge, Tish! For what it’s worth- I actually like the regular PB2 better, I think it’s because the chocolate isn’t chocolate-y enough for me, lol.

  17. I already made these. You’re right, they are not just like pancakes but they are yum! You are not crazy 🙂

  18. I make these ALL-THE-TIME for my son. He thinks they’re real pancakes. I add almond flour to mine.

  19. Oh I looove the almond butter!! I buy the packets too, I stash one in my purse for a snack (yup I can the whole thing in one go eep!)

  20. Evidently the site is still having issues- I went to look at the steam oven post, since I hadn’t seen it, somehow, but it won’t let me post a comment, which is: is that a built-in thermometer sticking into the roast in that picture from Thermador?! And, more on topic, I will definitely have to try this ‘pancake’ recipe. And it might be perfect as it is for me- I like the ‘eggy’ taste and plain crepes and such.

  21. I’m amazed that you can make pancakes with only two ingredients. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  22. Amazing! I’ve seen these around, too, and I’m glad you reviewed them, because I trust you! My kids have a lot of food restrictions (one can’t have gluten or corn, the other can’t have dairy, wheat, soy, nuts, or fish), but they CAN have bananas and eggs!! Until now I’ve had to buy the Biscquick gluten-free pancake mix (which is really quite good), but this is a whole lot cheaper and easier and I almost always have these ingredients on hand! I’m excited to try this in the morning! Thanks!

    1. I just made these, with a TBSP of cocoa powder in place of one of the TBSP of PB2. They were amazing, tasted like a slightly less sweet brownie =) I ate the whole batch… for way less damage then a couple pancakes. Thanks!

      1. Sitting here with a batch of freshly-made pancakes. They’re SO satisfying! Not the real thing, but good enough if, like me you’re looking for healthier ways to beat your cravings. I’ve tried several of these recipes that are floating around on the web, and this one wins, hands-down! All of the directions you provide: adding the baking powder & PB2, and jwhat the final batter consistency should look like all made a difference. I added 1/8 a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, which made it slightly soft, but helped with the flavor. (In my house, taste reigns over consistency). Will definitely try it with the cocoa powder next time.

    2. You can also make pancakes with a couple eggs, a scoop of protein powder (I like Quest Vanilla Milkshake protein powder) and a little unsweetened almond milk. They are amazing!!!

      1. I also do the protein pancake but to the banana and egg whites, I add cottage cheese, oats – blended to a flour, banana and a TB of protein powder. I actually prefer them over normal pancakes now…