The public has spoken–faux rotisserie chicken it is! Don’t worry, my little pretties, we’ll have Texas Sheet Cake soon.
Suffice it to say that me + a whole chicken = culinary disaster. I actually once had a real, true panic attack while skinning a whole raw chicken.
Our Best Bites
Make 3 balls of aluminum foil and place them in the bottom of your slow cooker. These hold the chicken off the bottom so the hot air can circulate all around the chicken and so it’s not stewing in its own juices.
Rinse chicken, including the cavity, and pat dry with paper towels. Place the chicken on its back so the breast is facing up and the legs are on the plate. If you want (and I actually strongly recommend that you do UNLESS you’re looking for a neutral flavor), pull the skin up all around the chicken. This does involve sticking your hand between the skin and the breast. Oooh, sounds dirty. Slice a few garlic cloves in half lengthwise and stick them under the skin. You can also arrange a couple sprigs of fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and/or sage under the skin. This makes a very pretty chicken when it’s all cooked and adds a lot of flavor.
Rub salt-based seasoning VERY liberally onto the skin of the chicken. Place chicken breast-up on the foil in the slow cooker, cover, turn heat to low, and leave it alone for 7-8 hours.
(And by breast side up I mean, completely opposite of the pictures shown in this post. Hey, you try photographing every step of your dinner and see if you make it all the way through without an upside-down chicken every once and a while…!)
This poor guy has no idea what’s coming…
I actually didn’t take it out of the slow cooker for the last picture because it’s so tender that the legs and wings will literally fall off when you pull it out. But that makes for some yummy chicken! Try it with steak fries or Sara’s Stuffed Bleu Cheese Potatoes.
Our Best Bites
Make 3 balls of aluminum foil and place them in the bottom of your slow cooker. These hold the chicken off the bottom so the hot air can circulate all around the chicken and so it’s not stewing in its own juices.
Rinse chicken, including the cavity, and pat dry with paper towels. Place the chicken on its back so the breast is facing up and the legs are on the plate. If you want (and I actually strongly recommend that you do UNLESS you’re looking for a neutral flavor), pull the skin up all around the chicken. This does involve sticking your hand between the skin and the breast. Slice a few garlic cloves in half lengthwise and stick them under the skin. You can also arrange a couple sprigs of fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and/or sage under the skin. This makes a very pretty chicken when it’s all cooked and adds a lot of flavor.
Rub salt-based seasoning VERY liberally onto the skin of the chicken. Place chicken breast-up on the foil in the slow cooker, cover, turn heat to low, and leave it alone for 7-8 hours. Try it with steak fries or Sara’s Stuffed Bleu Cheese Potatoes.
Questions & Reviews
April, you know how the skin is kind of loose around the opening? You kind of have to work your hand in there between the skin and the breast and it'll loosen right up. It's pretty gross, I won't lie, but it's the only way… 🙂
In order to get the garlic and herbs between the breast and skin, do you have to slice the skin with a knife? Or is there some secret opening between the two that makes it easier to just slip things in there?
I am currently cooking my chicken right now and I wanted to share a crock pot tip. I love the slow cooker bags they sell in the ziploc aisle in the grocery store. They make clean-up a breeze b/c you don't have to worry about scrubbing off the cooked on juices. Thanks for all of the wonderful recipes! Link to slow cooker liners:
any tips on what to do w/ the leftover cooking liquid? gravy, or could it be a sort of chicken stock?
Emily–My guess is that it probably got cooked a bit too long. It's SO hard to gauge the time because every bird and every slow cooker is a little different, so probably the best way to make sure it's super moist is to find a reliable meat thermometer and insert it into the thickest part of the breast. When it's 160, it's done. Now…the challenge is finding a reliable meat thermometer, lol! 🙂
Thanks for the recipe! It was really good. Mine was a little dry, though– Any tips on making it moist? It did turn out really tender.
Sunny, you can just eyeball it, but usually a 3-4 lb bird fits well.
I'm so glad to find this. I was just thinking of the recipes I have requiring rotisserie chicken and wishing it were possible to not have to drive to the store to get one. I'm off to buy some whole birds to keep in my freezer!
I read with interest your instructions on how to cook a whole chicken using a slow cooker. Since I just purchased a new Hamilton Beach 6 qt slow cooker with probe, I am anxious to try it out. Any idea on how large a chicken I should try?
Do you just not like the taste of dark meat? A good solution is to use that part in something like our Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos, where people won't even notice a difference.
As for your question, if you use large chicken breasts on the bone and with skin, it would probably work nicely, and it won't take as long either. But I wouldn't use boneless, skinless chicken for this, that would not get the same results.
Boiling chicken breasts usually results in rubbery, tasteless meat (probably why you don't like it!) So for recipes that call for cooked chicken, try roasting it in the oven instead. It will turn out flavorful and juicy. Use bone-in, or boneless, skinless chicken and place on a foil-lined baking sheet (for easy clean up!) sprinkle the chicken with salt, pepper, and any other desired seasonings. I usually add garlic and onion as well. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven until juices run clear. Boneless, skinless breasts will take less than 30 minutes usually. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes before cutting into it to keep it juicy. SO much better than boiling! Hope that helps!
Our family doesn't eat the dark meat, so do you think you could do this with just chicken breasts, using the aluminum foil balls and all? Right now I boil my chicken for recipes calling for cooked, shredded chicken and I just really hate the results, but am not sure what else to do. Have you ever tried it with anything other than a whole chicken?
I have used this recipe over and over since reading it. Thanks so much! I get the bagged flavored whole fryers from our meat counter so I don't even have to season them too much. I just use some Season All on the top and it comes out so great! I tell everyone about it when recipes come up. I usually call it Fauxtisserie Chicken. I love crock pot recipes! Please share more of them.
I just want to say thanks for your blog. I've always been a terrible cook, but everything I've made off of your blog has turned out perfectly (because you give such clear directions) and everyone who eats it always loves it! You two are teaching me how to cook…I've never been able to work with yeast until I tried your breadsticks, pastries until I tried your apple streusel bars, and the list goes on and on. I've always been intimidated by whole chickens, so this will be the next thing I try and I'm sure it will be a raving hit. Thanks again.
Jenn…from Iowa.
Sounds wonderful and easy! I will definitely try this. I just discovered your blog and I love it already!
Oh, and I added this recipe to my blog too, crediting you of course! Hope that's okay. I just HAD to pass it along!!
This recipe has changed my life. Or at least the way I cook chicken. I, too, have a chicken complex. After tasting this, I will never boil or poach a chicken breast again…
I used it for Chicken Pot Pie and Chicken Salad. Both were awesome!!
Oh I made this yesterday and was simply amazed at how delicious and simple it was. I think you have changed my life. I made Hawaiian Haystacks with it last night, I'm making chicken salad tonight and chicken and dumplings tomorrow. This is great. I got it on a little late and cooked it on high for 5 hours. Amazing.
Made this the other night! Wow we loved it, will make this many more times to come.
This idea is great. The great thing is that you can change it up every time and play with different herbs and spices.
When I make this for my hubby and two boys, I usually shred it and get 3 meals out of it. Shredded chicken goes a long way. It’s aa great way to stretch a food budget!
OMGosh….this was SOOOO easy! It was perfect for a busy day.
We loved this. This recipe is going in my permanent files for sure!
Yum. I am going to make this soon.
I tried it and it was amazing both for dinner and the next day when I used it in a salad for our play-group. Thanks for the recipe.
Change away! It’s all good 🙂
Oh, look at you, Jen, clever girl! If I were a copycat, I’d totally change this to “Faux-tisserie Chicken”!
YUM. I’m going to try this faux-tisserie chicken tomorrow!
Glad I’m not the only cook who is freaked out by poultry–I can never get it right. It’s such a fine line between underdone and overdone. I usually stick with the Crockpot. Thanks for this recipe! I hope my Crockpot is big enough.
You are soooo NOT alone on this…
How come chickens don’t come with the lil pop up temp thingy? 😛
Looks like I’ll be thawing out my frozen chicken soon!! Woohoo thanks!
Looks yummy AND I love me a slow cooker recipe. Don’t worry Kate, you’re not the only one that’s afraid of salmonella. My daughter Kate actually got it from a babysitter when she was 10 months old. Scary! Needless to say I’m a little freaky too when it comes to poultry!
Yum, this looks good and easy! Works for me! I’m going to try this tomorrow I think.